brain fitness strategies

How food is related to brain health

Fundamentals of Nutrition for Optimal Brain Health and Function

The Effects of Nutrients on Brain Function Optimizing brain health is on trend. A well-functioning brain creates more opportunities for success in each aspect of life. Discover the fundamentals of nutrition for optimizing brain health and function for yourself and coaching clients. Hydration  An important fact to know is that 80-90% of our brain mass

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How can I improve my brain health?

Understand the Fundamentals of Brain Health and Fitness and How to Coach Your Clients on This Topic

Benefits of Brain Fitness Knowledge It is important to explain meaning and relevance here, as some coaches may not see the connection between how an understanding of the brain is involved in health, fitness, and wellness.  In the field of nutrition and nutraceuticals, one of the main goals in supporting brain health involves developing and

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