Time Management Tips for Coaches and Trainers

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You are going to experience so many incredible benefits when you earn your certification, but first you need to pass your exam. You may be finding is difficult to balance all of your responsibilities – work, school, your family, and your course studies and this new career goal. And you are likely feeling like you do not have enough hours in the day to get it all done.

We have all been there!

The answer seems simple, but so many of us have a difficult time with time management.

Time management is all about spending your time in the right places, and on the right things. Prioritizing your time management benefits all areas of your life, and can have a huge impact on your success in your course studies, and all other areas of your life.

Time Management Tips for Coaches and Trainers

Here are techniques you can try to help improve your time management:

Plan Ahead

At the end of each day, take 15 minutes to clear your study space or desk and put together a list of the task you need to get done in order if importance. You can also make a list of the key points from your course that you need to go over.
Having a set list of tasks helps keep you intentional about what you work on. It effectively lays out what you must complete – all tasks that pop up outside of it are secondary – and if your mind does wander, a quick glance at your list reminds you of what you should be doing. And of course, keeping a to-do list allows you to enjoy one of life’s unique pleasures: visualizing what you want to achieve, and then striking your way through it.
You’ll feel better sitting down at your clean desk that next day, with a clear plan of action already written out.

Prioritize Tasks

It guides you through the day’s activities in order of importance, ensuring that the tasks that matter most are dealt with first. When ranking your tasks, you should always prioritize what’s most important to you. Figure out which tasks and activities are high-value, which will have the most positive effect on you, your work, and your team.

Take Breaks

Throughout the working day, it’s important to take frequent breaks to ensure optimal productivity and to keep your mental, emotional and physical states at peak levels. There are many research-backed health, wellness and performance benefits of taking breaks too.

Eliminate Distractions

Start paying attention to the number of times someone or something interrupts you when you’re in the middle of studying or working through your course material. You also want to keep tabs on the number of self-created interruptions. For example, how many time do you think you pick up your phone and scroll through Facebook or Instagram? Probably more than you think! It will be a massive exercise in will power, but you should shut your door and turn off your phone. You may consider blocking out a time or two during your day for emails and scrolling through your feed that way you can dedicate the maximum amount of time possible to your studying and other activities.

Getting Started

Remember, when you earn your certification, you will be able to start your new career or business, and earn a great living! You can make this happen!

If you’ve been thinking about going online, or if you tried before and just lacked the needed skills, this is the time to get everything you need to become highly successful. The Online Coaching Certification is your step-by-step blueprint to build a highly profitable online coaching business.

If you focus your work in the “holistic” areas of health, fitness and wellness, the Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach course is your next step. Without this knowledge and certification, you won’t have everything you need to help all your clients.

The stress of living during a pandemic has turned our daily lives and the lives of our clients and their families upside down. It comes at no surprise that most of your clients are concerned about their health and well-being during this time.

Our Stress Management coaching program is designed for life coaches, as well as fitness and wellness professionals who want to expand his or her knowledge in the lucrative and expanding field.

Spencer Institute certification programs are open to anyone with a desire to learn and help others. There are no prerequisites.

That’s it for now.

Take action!

NESTA | Spencer Institute

PS: Click here to see many helpful business/career resources

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