Tips to Help Your Clients Master Mindfulness – Mind Body Fitness Coach

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how to practice mindfulnessSlowing down and resetting your brain during a stressful or jam-packed day can translate into a better ability to focus on what you need to do next without any distractions.

As a Certified Wellness Coach or Professional Mind Body Fitness Coach, you can teach your clients practical mindfulness activities that can be incorporated into their lifestyle to help improve their focus, lower stress, reduce conflicts, and enhance their decision-making skills over time.

Take a Walk

Taking a quiet walk around your neighborhood after a long day can be useful. Make an effort to notice specific sights, sounds and smells and embrace your feelings in the present moment. Try to walk near natural elements if possible.

Listen to a Song

Music can be very soothing yet energizing and used to relax the mind. Listen for specific key changes, crescendos, and changes in tempo or just focus on enjoying the song.

Stop Checking the News

News is seldom good or useful for helping one live in the moment – and if something truly monumental happens, chances are you will hear of it without constantly checking updates.

Get the important basics in the morning and then disconnect for the day until the evening news if you really like to stay updated. This is a practice for improved happiness.

Accept Your Emotions

Allow yourself to feel emotions as they come throughout the day and try not to pass negative judgment on yourself for them.

Accept the presence of the emotions without judgment and let them go as quickly as they came.

Practice Mindful Appreciation

At the end of the day take time to recognize and write down five things that happened in your day that were seemingly insignificant blessings that went unappreciated.

These can be objects, events or people. Something as simple as minimal traffic on the way to work, the 15 minutes you were able to spend outside in the sun during your lunch break, or the compliment someone gave you on your hair or clothes should be noted for an improved appreciation of the little things over time.

Your Coaching Career

The Mind Body Fitness Coach is a great add-on credential for yoga teachers, Pilates instructors, and holistic-minded fitness trainers.

You’ll gain a broad knowledge of mind-body exercises and fitness concepts, strategies and methods. You will discover a wide variety of scientifically proven mind-body practices to enhance health, reduce stress and give your clients great joy.

Becoming a Certified Wellness Coach is the perfect addition for the fitness professional who wants to offer more all-inclusive wellness services to clients.

The time is now for you to enjoy this exciting and rewarding career, which offers you personal fulfillment while improving the lives of others.

Spencer Institute certification programs are open to anyone with a desire to learn and help others. There are no prerequisites.

That’s it for now.

Take action!

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