How Coaches and Trainers Can Build a Successful Business and Get New Clients with Lunch-and-Learn Events

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Developing A Lunch And Learn Program

Great Formats for Delivering a Lunch and Learn Events That Get You New Clients

In real simple terms, trainers and coaches can provide fun, entertaining, and interactive lunch and learn programs, seminars, and workshops for employees of companies of all different sizes. Many times, they get paid. Sometimes they do not. There is always an opportunity to share opportunities for these people to work with you as a client. And you are immediately positioned as an authority from the inception of your communication with this group of people.

No matter which type of trainer or coach you are, there are endless opportunities for you to offer lunchtime educational seminars and workshops for corporations of all sizes. This is also something that a Spencer Institute Certified Corporate Wellness Coach can offer on a monthly basis as part of his or her offerings to the team.

What is a Lunch-and-Learn?

The concept of “lunch and learn” has become increasingly popular in recent years. This is a type of professional development program in which employees come together during their lunch break to learn about a particular topic of interest. These programs are usually facilitated by an expert in the field (this can be you), who shares their knowledge and expertise with the attendees. The aim of these programs is to provide employees with valuable information and skills that they can apply in their work or life in general, while also promoting a culture of learning and development within the organization.

How have Lunch and Learns Evolved?

One of the most significant changes to the concept of lunch and learn in recent years is the shift toward virtual programs. With the increasing popularity of remote work, virtual lunch and learn sessions have become a popular way for organizations to provide their employees with development opportunities. Virtual programs are convenient, as they allow employees to participate from any location if they have an internet connection. They are also cost-effective, as they eliminate the need for travel and accommodation expenses.  You can learn various strategies for doing this within the online coach certification course.

5 Lunch and Learn Ideas Employees Will Love

There are several popular topics related to health, fitness, and wellness that are commonly covered in lunch and learn programs. These topics are of interest to employees because they help them to stay healthy, manage stress, and improve their overall well-being. Some of the most popular topics in this category include holistic nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, stress management, and mental health.

  1. Nutrition is a popular topic for lunch and learn programs because it is relevant to everyone. Employees who are informed about nutrition are more likely to make healthy choices when it comes to their diet, which can have a positive impact on their overall health and well-being. Topics covered in nutrition-based lunch and learn programs might include healthy eating habits, reading food labels, meal planning, and healthy snack ideas.
  2. Exercise is another popular topic for lunch and learn programs, as it is also relevant to everyone. Regular exercise has been shown to have a positive impact on both physical and mental health. Topics covered in exercise-based lunch and learn programs might include the benefits of exercise, different types of exercise, and how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. This is a perfect opportunity for NESTA Certified Personal Fitness Trainers to get new clients and share knowledge.
  3. Mindfulness is a topic that has gained popularity in recent years, and it is often covered in lunch and learn programs. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, without judgment. It has been shown to have a positive impact on stress management, mental health, and overall well-being. Topics covered in mindfulness-based lunch and learn programs might include meditation, breathing techniques, and ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine.
  4. Stress management is a popular topic for lunch and learn programs because it is a common issue in the workplace. Employees who can manage their stress effectively are more productive, engaged, and motivated. Topics covered in stress management-based lunch and learn programs might include the causes of stress, different coping strategies, and how to create a stress-free work environment.
  5. Mental health is also an important topic that is often covered in lunch and learn programs. Mental health issues are becoming increasingly prevalent in the workplace, and employees who are struggling with mental health issues may find it difficult to perform their job effectively. Topics covered in mental health-based lunch and learn programs might include the signs and symptoms of mental health issues, how to support colleagues who are struggling with mental health issues, and how to promote good mental health in the workplace.  You can teach about overcoming anxiety, PTSD and other related challenges as a Certified Results Coach.

While the term “lunch and learn” is commonly used to describe this type of program, there are alternative names that organizations can use to promote their development opportunities. Some alternative names for lunch and learn include “brown bag sessions,” “learning lunches,” and “power hour sessions.” Using an alternative name can help to generate interest in the program and make it more appealing to employees.

How To Plan a Successful Lunch and Learn Program

If you have a concept for a lunch and learn program that you would like to present to an organization’s HR department, there are several steps you can take to make your proposal more appealing and convincing.

The first step is to do your research and gather data that supports the need for the program. For example, if you are proposing a lunch and learn program on stress management, you might gather data on the prevalence of workplace stress, the negative impact it can have on employees’ health and productivity, and the benefits of effective stress management strategies.

Once you have gathered your data, you can use it to create a compelling proposal. Your proposal should include a clear description of the program, including the topic, format, and goals. You should also outline the benefits of the program, both for employees and for the organization. This might include improved employee engagement, increased productivity, and a more positive workplace culture.

It is also important to address any potential concerns that the HR department may have about the program. For example, they may be concerned about the cost, or the time commitment required for employees to participate. You should address these concerns in your proposal, highlighting the cost-effectiveness of lunch and learn programs and emphasizing the potential long-term benefits for the organization.  If your audience is a few dozen employees who have the means and desire to use your services, a free lunch and learn could yield three new clients who all enroll in a three-month program. That could yield many thousands of dollars making that worth your investment of time.

Finally, you should be prepared to present your proposal in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. You may want to create a PowerPoint presentation or other visual aids to help you make your case. You should also be prepared to answer any questions or concerns that the HR department may have about the program.

In short, be prepared to show why and how employees and the company will benefit from your offer.

Starting a Corporate Wellness Coaching Career

The best place to begin with corporate wellness is by seeking additional training and education, and considering additional credentialing, such as stress management coaching or sleep science coaching. The more education you have and the deeper your knowledge of behavior change and workforce challenges you possess, the more fruitful your efforts.

Next, start researching the corporate wellness market.

  • What is already in place?
  • What is missing? Are there gaps?
  • Are there aspects you wish to replicate or build upon?

You may find no programs exist. Even if the businesses are small, most employers want a strong and satisfied workforce because it directly impacts the bottom line. If employees are successful, the business will be, too. Conducting this research will help you identify your value and what you can bring to the table.

Remember, you have great skills that can help employees create and maintain healthy habits which then trickle down into a happier and healthier workplace environment.

Learn more about becoming a Certified Corporate Wellness Coach. This niche market is exploding with opportunity!

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