Major Mindset Differences that Separate Entrepreneurs from Employees

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What are ways to think like an entrepreneur?While many think that there is little difference between the roles and requirements of an entrepreneur and an employee, they would be very, very wrong. While many of the daily tasks the two carry out may be the same, to go from entrepreneur to employee, or vice versa requires a complete overhaul of mindset and daily routines.

Waking Up Early

Most employees work to a set shift schedule of 9 till 5, meaning that they wake up at the same time every day, and gain no benefit by waking up any earlier than that. However, for the entrepreneur, any extra time spent working on their business leads to an increase in money, which means that waking up before anybody else opens a whole avenue of new clients and possibilities for turning a profit.

For this reason, many entrepreneurs go to bed relatively early and wake up at the crack of dawn every day, allowing them to gain access to some of the biggest clients on the market, who are also up doing business at that time.

Relaxation and Downtime

As an employee, you are expected to work within a set time frame and take breaks when you are told. However, for entrepreneurs, breaks can happen whenever they are needed. An entrepreneur is solely in control of every element of their business and with that added responsibility comes a lot of added stress, making downtime that much more important.

With this, it is much more common for entrepreneurs to engage in activities such as meditation and mindfulness practices, this often leads directly to a higher level of focus on a day’s work, as well as helping these entrepreneurs to maintain an all-round calmer demeanor when conducting business.

This relaxation and downtime are important for both employees and entrepreneurs, however, an employee may suffer this stress far less knowing that the success of their business does not rely solely on their success (in most cases).

Value for Money Mindset

Most employees view the way they make money as directly exchanging an hour of their time for a set hourly wage.

Entrepreneurs have a very different view, preferring a mindset of value for money. In this way, they tend not to look at earning money as a trade of time for money, but instead, offering something of value to customers, which can then be translated into an untold fortune. For example, an entrepreneur may offer a dating coaching service, from which they do not make a set amount an hour, but instead, make more based on how much value they provide a customer.

In almost all cases, successful entrepreneurs have a strong understanding that exchanging time for money is not a sustainable way of living, and they much prefer being able to improve themselves and their product and make extra money for a slightly improved product in this way.

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